Hospital/Clinic - 1st Floor Manchester, N/A, gb
Xyla Health and Social Services is one of the largest commissioned providers of managed social work services in the UK.We work with Local Authorities, Health Trusts, and the private sector to make a positive, lasting impact on people and communities nationwide.Since January 2015, we have worked under our previous brand, Quality Assured Projects, with over 20 local authorities per year - delivering assessment and review services to over 12,000 individuals and employing over 200 qualified staff in projects. In 2018, we became ICS Assessment Services, and since then, we have expanded our offering into Continuing Healthcare services as well. As our business has evolved, so has our brand, and in 2021, as part of a group-wide rebrand, we are now known as Xyla Health and Social Services. We offer high-quality services within local authority, Adults and Children's Social Care Services, and Continuing Healthcare.Adults' Social Care Services:- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Best Interests Assessments and Mental Health Assessments- Care Act Reviews and Reassessments- Mental Health Act (MHA) Assessments and Section 117 (S117) Reviews- Hospital Discharge and Rapid Response ServicesChildren's Social Care Services:- Front door services focused on the increase in throughput and efficient step-down / closure of cases- Undertaking backlogs of Child & Family Assessments, working on a cyclical duty model- Children in Need (CIN) Services including diagnostic reviews- Child Protection (CP) and safeguarding services- Delivery of intervention (edge of care) and step-down servicesContinuing Healthcare Services:- Clearing outstanding and overdue eligibility assessments- CHC Assessment reviews- Independent assessments- Interim staffing for CHC teams- Cost-saving and efficiency programmes- Auditing and training programmes
Digital Ocean Spaces
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Microsoft Office 365