Food Production - Harare, Harare Province, Zimbabwe
Yadah Connect has invested heavily in apiculture, specializing in Raw Honey. Sub-Saharan Africa, especially Zimbabwe is endowed with many indigenous trees and owers that have medicinal properties and have been used over many years. As the bees collect nectar from such rich forage, they produce honey with higher medicinal properties that improve the health standards of consumers. rough our experienced apiculture expertise from a highly trained and experienced team, our experts are able to tailor-make the honey pro- duced to have therapeutic properties Our honey bees at our honey farms produce world class, A-grade premium raw honey catering for the di er- ent consumer tastes around the world. rough an ongoing empowerment program, Yadah Connect has managed to train over 10 000 out-grower beekeepers and have so far set over 20 000 beehives across Zimbabwe. is commer- cial scaling of honey production is yet to yield a minimum annual production of 1 800 tonnes per year.