Internet - , , where classifieds meet communityIf you're looking for the best deal or the widest audience, you're going to browse or post online classified ads. You'll find all kinds of services to help you locate what you're looking for. At YallaList, we believe classified ads are about more than saving money on purchases, or reaching your best customers reliably.‘Local' is more than a buzzwordWhether you're posting or replying to a classified ad, it's more than a simple transaction. You're making a connection, maybe with a local business or maybe directly with a person in your community.YallaList exists to make those connections comfortable and easy, because we think online classifieds should bring neighbors together and help us all live in a cleaner, greener world.This site is 100% FREE to use for both buyers and sellers, and it always will be. Every adgets featured front and center at the top of our homepage for maximum visibility, and wedon't offer paid positions at the top that would push other ads down the list – everyonegets equal opportunity and exposure.
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