Publishing - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Yarra Bend Press operates as a live work studio providing internees with an in-depth understanding of the workings of a publishing house through the delivery of real production based experiences. By giving students the opportunity to be involved in producing commercial quality publications aimed at enhancing their future academic and employment possibilities, Yarra Bend Press addresses the problem of diminishing work experience opportunities within the publishing sector.Yarra Bend Press student based activities include:• work flow management and the coordination of all aspects of production related activities;• acquisition and maintenance of commercial publishing opportunities from the tertiary, public and private sectors;• selection and liaison with suppliers in a professional capacity;• maintenance of financial and business records associated with studio activities;• liaison with clients, suppliers and industry representatives;• development of an online presence as a vital tool in the promotion of live work folios for potential employment;• the planning, development and production of a range of print and digital based publishing projects;• estimation, print production, process and control;• researching, cataloging, ordering and recording ISBN, CiP, and copyright issues.Yarra Bend Press also instructs students on day to day publishing issues including: dealing with authors; editing practices; design principles; typesetting; digital v traditional printing; book structure; numbering; imprints; rights and responsibilities; legal deposits; barcode and DW Thorpe; press releases; advertising; promotion; selling; online stores; search engine optimisation; RSS; blogging; networking; distribution; terms; freight; sos; returns; discounts; GST; faults and returns; and so on.