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YISHI interactive was founded 2009 in Shanghai by Elizabeth Sun. A Shanghai native, Sun has extensive creative industry experience in China, catering to a broad and diverse client base. The name of the firm (yì shì), "billions of scholars" in Chinese, refers to a historic ancient group of well-educated Chinese social elite whose legacy is indicative of current trends in the Chinese market. In order to more effectively accommodate market demands, YISHI interactive expects to launch branch offices in Beijing and New York, as well as a new headquarters in London. We seek to help our clients make their businesses more successful by providing exclusive services integrating creativity, fashion, media and interactive marketing.亿仕广告创立人孙琼的英文名字叫elizabeth,2009年在上海她决定自己开一个互动广告工作室。工作室中文名-亿仕广告,是希望为亿万受过良好教育及具有消费力的高消费人群服务,这个人群正在不断增长。从市场需求及行业经验考虑,直至2015年,亿仕广告将先后在上海,北京,伦敦,纽约建立工作室,汇集各路跨国精英,总部在伦敦。工作室主要服务时尚及金融业客户,将设计,时尚,媒体,广告,营销结合运用,从而帮助客户赢得商业成就。