Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services - N/A, N/A, UK
Change your mat. Change your flow. Change your life.Here at Yogi Bare we support you with seriously rad, seriously accessible, serious about the planet yoga products. You do you, we'll take care of the rest. Our Mission: You practice yoga to feel free. We create to feel free. We believe in losing the dogma and providing a space for a happy down dog. The freedom to make earth friendly choices. Through our selections of materials, commitment to constant research and alignment with eco conscious values and partnerships with environment charities we save your practice at the same time as saving the environment. We care.The freedom to be supported by unparalleled grip and functional product design through years of research and testing. We care.The freedom to economically accessible yoga kit, no elitist pricing, transparent business values. We care. The freedom to have fun with our style forward approach to design. The raddest prints for the raddest yogis. We care.The freedom to be you. Just as you are. We Care. Yogi Bare. Its time to play.
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