Education Management - , Seoul, South Korea
The Graduate Student Association is an independent, student-organized, and student-run organization. Membership is open to all students at Yonsei GSIS. The purpose of the GSA is to represent and give voice to all the GSIS students on campus. The GSA aims for more effective participation of the students in all aspects of student life. The GSA is based on the principle that GSIS students should be informed about, and take part in, all decisions which affect them. To accomplish these goals, the GSA helps keep graduate students informed of what is happening at Yonsei GSIS. At the same time, the GSA serves as a forum in which the issues which affect students can be discussed. When key issues and areas for improvement are identified, the GSA serves as a representative and advocator for the point of view of the graduate students to the administration, faculty, and other segments of the university community.