Online Media - , England, United Kingdom
yoomoot LLP is behind, an online collaboration tool and social network characterized by: 1) Navigability: A yoomoot discussion may have a thousand posts and a hundred tangents but will always be as structured and as quick-to-browse as a Wikipedia article. 2) Concision: yoomoot discussions have no more posts than they need to have. 3) Reusability: yoomoot makes it easy to find and update old discussions, preventing needless repetition and information-loss. 4) Consistency: yoomoot merges comments, wikis, forums, blogs and social bookmarks into one simple and flexible format. 5) Streamlined notifications: yoomoot makes it easy to see everything that's new and relevant without ever being overwhelmed by a deluge of notifications. 6) Focus: yoomoot's format encourages structured, goal-oriented thinking in discussions, leading to better decision-making. 7) Civility: yoomoot's structured format precludes the one-on-one personal attacks that are at the heart of most online incivility.
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