Civic & Social Organization - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
You Can Ride 2 is a volunteer-run community program that teaches children with disabilities how to ride their bicycles. The six week class is offered to families for only $25 plus a $100 desposit and is supported by volunteers and the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters Society. The program provides children with a supportive learning environment based on their individual needs. But children learn more that just how to ride, but it gives children confidence and hope.Coupled with this program, You Can Ride 2 also provides children with disabilities the opportunity to have their own bicycle through the Adapted Bicycle Program. The cost of an adapted bicycle can be astronomical and for families who are on a fixed income, it can be unacheivable. You Can Ride 2, provides adapted bikes for children with disabilities who may not be able to afford one. With the loan program, families are able to enter the program, pay a small deposit and once the child has outgrown the bike, return it for the deposit back. That's all.