Human Resources - , ,
OUR VISION• Our vision is to create Life Changing and Community Changing Health and Wellness events through education, collaboration, local community engagement, and personal responsibilityOUR MISSION• Our mission is to roll back Lifestyle Illnesses in America, benefitting employers and employees with lower Health Care Costs, through a Social Contagion of WellnessOUR GOALS• Educate to the Comprehensive Wellness concept through Conferences, Lunch and Learns, Webinars, DVDs, Books, Seminars and other resources• Provide Wellness Assessments that make people aware of just how well they are• Provide resources for people to address the areas of Wellness in which they are suffering• Provide employers of all size Comprehensive Wellness Programs from $0 in cost to maintain to robust programs that bring up to $6 in savings for every $1 spent on Wellness• Provide local communities ‘roadmaps' to Wellness