Transportation/trucking/railroad - , , is a transportation service provider for seniors, children and their families. We provide convenient, personal and reliable services to help you in times when you can't be there for your loved ones. Whether you need driving services to the doctor's office, to daycare - activities or the mall, YPDS will provide convenient door-through-door service to meet your needs. And, if you would rather stay home, YPDS offers customized delivery services. When you're unable to drive, your options are favors from family/friends/neighbors, expensive and impersonal cab service or public transportation. Not anymore! YPDS strives to provide you with reliable transportation and excellent, respectful customer service that you can count on. Want to learn more? Visit us online During the evenings and late night - we are currently seeking to connect with young professionals who prefer to consume alcohol with the promise of a safe ride home. #saferidehome.