Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
Our Mission: "to develop a youth-led Forum which will provide a platform for the interests of young people across Scotland affected by cancer; will promote access to age-appropriate treatment, support services, grants/ benefits; to achieve this through representation and consultation with policy makers and service providers" Objects to offer support and encouragement to all young adults of sixteen years of age and over. In Scotland who are ‘living with cancer' whether they be patients, relatives, carers or friends. to represent the needs of young adult cancer patients, their relatives, carers or friends, to ensure that their voices are heard wherever youth cancer policy is concerned. to be available as a consultation group when required by any professional individual or body concerned with the care and treatment of young adult cancer patients. to represent the YCFS on any professional Body, Committee or Planning Group on which they may be invited to sit. to maintain a website through which young adults around Scotland may be able to find news and information, meet other young folk through chat rooms, and both give and receive support. to establish, wherever practical and possible, regional and local Support Groups to offer closer on-going support and encouragement to young adults. to create and maintain partnerships with political, health and charitable bodies so that the best interests of the Forum shall always be represented and served.