Civic & Social Organization - Evanston, Illinois, United States
For over 20 years, in some of the nation's biggest cities, we have guided schools and communities in building dynamic youth voice and civic engagement strategies and infrastructures. Youth Engage will work as a catalyst that will help develop and launch your youth engagement strategy and provide ongoing coaching and training to your leadership team. Youth Engage 5-Step Planning Process--What We Do!Step One –> Building a Dream VisionYouth Engage will facilitate the creation of a vision statement by focusing on this core question: How can educators and community partners provide their students with exciting opportunities to foster youth voice and civic engagement throughout the school day and after school? Step Two –> Identifying Strengths, Opportunities, and ChallengesIdentifying and mapping the assets and constraints for achieving your vision is the next step. Youth Engage will provides facilitation of a SWOT analysis and offers experienced advice for maximizing strengths and overcoming barriers. Step Three –> Developing a Youth Voice & Civic Engagement Action Plan Youth Engage will facilitate the development of a multi-year youth voice and civic engagement plan that focuses on what is needed for system-wide success and long-term improvement (i.e., people, resources, partners, curricula, political support).Step Four --> Finding Resources, Trainings, and Partners to Catalyze the PlanEvery good youth civic engagement plan needs a mix of internal and external resources and partners. Youth Engage will help your team analyze, connect, and find resources and partnerships to catalyze your strategy.Step Five --> Ongoing Leadership Coaching for Team LeadersGoing from good to great in youth voice and civic engagement takes time and support of key leaders. Youth Engage will provide ongoing coaching for the youth voice and engagement leadership team.
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