SaaS - Montreal, QC, CA
Ytria is a privately-held corporation founded in Montreal, Canada in 1999, and holds designations of both IBM Registered Business Partner and Microsoft Partner.\\We provide software tools to heighten enterprise platform administrators' productivity and improve collaboration. \Our customers continue to be our greatest guides, and together we have established that: \\• Customer service matters... We strive to maintain a great track record of fast, friendly customer and technical support. \• Software must always evolve... Constant improvements, fixes and new features are all part of what we do to help you succeed. \• Our product offering expands with each and every one of you in mind. Whether it's a kind blog post, an unsolicited email, or a magazine review, we make sure that we keep working to deserve your praise and offering value in our communications to you. \\Simply, our goal is to make administration easier for anyone dealing with complex enterprise software environments, no matter whether you're an individual consultant or part of a team in a global organization.\\ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS: Our software tools offer global vision, large-scale modification functions, and other features that enhance aspects of enterprise software administration and development by significantly expanding the control range in areas including, but not limited to, access, security, analysis, editing, and reporting.
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