Mining & Metals - Hong Kong, , Hong Kong
Yue Da Holdings Limited (the "Group") was incorporated in Cayman Islands in June 2001 and was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ( code: 629) on 29 November 2001. The Group is mainly engaged in management and operation of mining and toll road businesses in the People's Republic ofChina (the"PRC"). Currently, the Group's mining businesses mainly include the exploration, ore dressing and processing ofsome base metals such as lead and zinc. The Group also operatesone key National Highway in Hebei Province, which provides steady cash flows for the company since its incorporation. The Group's controlling shareholder, Jiangsu Yueda Group Limited, is one of the key 520 state-owned enterprises inthe PRC. As a top 10 company in Jiangsu Province, the parentcompany's annual sales exceed 30 billion RMB in 2006 andcurrently owns more than 30 branches at home and abroad. Company悅達礦業控股有限公司于2001年6月在開曼群島注冊成立,并于當年11月29日在香港交易所成功上市,股份編号爲629。 悅達礦業及其下屬企業的主營業務爲管理及營運中華人民共和國境内的若幹礦業采選和收費公路項目。現時,公司的礦業采選項目主要集中于鉛鋅鐵等金屬礦産領域。随着經濟的增長和金屬的廣泛應用及由于礦産資源的不可再生,預期這些項目可爲公司帶來豐厚的回報。公司現時的收費公路項目爲中國106國道文安路段,該路段位于河北省廊坊市境内,是進出北京的交通幹線之一,其交通流量近年來一直保持穩定的增長态勢。 本公司控股股東江蘇悅達集團有限公司是中國520戶重點國有企業之一,位列江蘇省規模企業前10強,年綜合銷售收入超過人民币500億元。憑借母公司的全力支持,本公司将進一步拓展業務規模,完善公司管制,提升公司價值,爲投資者帶來豐裕回報。