Investment Management - New York, New York, United States
Z to A Ventures is strategic advisory and consulting firm that specializes in providing creative and practical solutions for investment firms seeking to diversify and expand their existing investor base. Leveraging its extensive experience and vast network of relationships, Z to A Ventures creates value and generates successful outcomes for its clients.OUR CAPABILITIESSTRATEGIC CONSULTING SERVICES: Z to A Ventures offers extensive experience in structuring, forming, launching and operating investment funds and other investment vehicles, including unregistered funds and registered funds (open-end funds (i.e., mutual funds), closed-end funds, BDCs, and ETFs). These services include• Assessing the viability of launching a new investment vehicle or strategy• Preparing a business plan or developing a strategy for launching a new investment vehicle• Reviewing existing investment vehicles and recommending strategic changesCAPITAL ADVISORY SERVICES: Z to A Ventures has significant experience working with a wide range of intermediaries that raise capital for or allocated capital to investment managers, including wirehouses/national broker-dealers, independent broker-dealers, registered investment advisers, third-party marketers, and consultants. We work with clients to refine their marketing message and competitive positioning, as well as their capital raise/distribution strategy, positioning clients for success in their capital raising initiatives.OPERATIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES: Z to A Ventures helps its clients achieve success in the operation and management of their investment funds and other investment vehicles by working closely and regularly with clients to design operating initiatives and implement best practices in virtually every aspect of a client's business, including accounting, compliance, distribution and marketing, and investor relations.
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