Management Consulting - , ,
Z4 Consulting brings decades of success in all facets of marketing, sales, management and implementation.Strategic Planning – Building the roadmap to success. Nothing happens without a plan. But – more importantly success doesn't happen without a flexible plan that factors in changes in a dynamic market and gives you the opportunity to adjust accordingly.Acquisition – A key strategy in building your business may be acquisition. A key to success in acquisition is objectivity. You are passionate about your business which is critical to success. However, your passion may also skew your thought process relating to acquisition. Pricing Strategies – Pricing for success requires analysis of multiple variables including true costs, competitive analysis, product differentiation, and industry trends. Market Research and Planning – Whether going on a trip or making a business decision, the first piece of data that must be plugged into the equation is your current location. Research will provide that information.Sales Management –.Being a salesperson is a challenging job. Do you have the right members on the sales team? Are they properly incentivized? Do they have the proper tools for success? We can help answer these questions.Product Management – Are you launching a new product or improving a current product? Are you basing design on customer wants and needs? If a new product, do you need a different sales strategy or channel of distribution? Are there certifications such as UL or AGA required to successfully launch your product? We've been there and done that – let us helpPromotional Strategies – What is the most cost effective way to successfully promote your product or service? Is your product best served through mass marketing – or highly targeted behavioral advertising? Let's work together to answer those questions and then build and implement a winning campaign.