Food & Beverages - Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India come up with exciting discounts offers like all the customers going through as get a discount of 10% through out the year ,if he go to restaurant and click on our app the system generate one code which reflect to restaurant also. So the the restaurant guys aware of that and as well as he can book the table with the minimum amount and the booked person name written on the table for certain time period even if the restaurant is full of crowd. Also our zaafoo customer get their table without any problemOur platform is very new to Orissa market and for east market also and after covering whole east market then move out to outside place like all over the India but with Orissa gradually we start in Delhi also.Basically this business module is to attract school,colleges,hotels,offices. is online ,which make visitors more easier to find out good restaurants in their near will go and operate internationally