Other - N/A, N/A, us
Are you looking for the contact details of ZAIT Engineering (PTY) LTD? ConnectPlex is your one-stop solution! Our extensive database of company information includes contact details of millions of companies worldwide, including ZAIT Engineering (PTY) LTD. We provide accurate and up-to-date contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses. Our platform is designed to help businesses like yours connect with key decision-makers and professionals in their industry. Why wait? Sign up for ConnectPlex today and easily access ZAIT Engineering (PTY) LTD contact information. Our user-friendly platform allows you to search, filter, and connect with the right people in no time. With ConnectPlex, you can expand your business network and reach new heights. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with ZAIT Engineering (PTY) LTD and other top companies worldwide.
ZAIT Engineering (PTY) LTD is a company that operates in the Other industry. Unfortunately, we do not have access to their financial information, such as revenue and number of employees, as it is not publicly available. However, we do know that the company is based in the United States, specifically in Kirkland, Washington. The company's LinkedIn page provides some insight into their operations. According to their profile, ZAIT Engineering (PTY) LTD is a health, wellness, and fitness company that offers services such as Oom Yung Doe Martial Arts Kirkland. The company's mission is to help individuals achieve their health and wellness goals through martial arts training and other fitness programs. With their expert instructors and state-of-the-art facilities, ZAIT Engineering (PTY) LTD is dedicated to helping their clients reach their full potential.
Oom Yung Doe Martial Arts Kirkland is a place where people can improve their health, wellness, and fitness. It's located in Kirkland, Washington, USA.