Environmental Services - , , United States
Zemo & Associates, Inc. provides specialty technical consulting and expert litigation consulting in the areas of soil and groundwater contamination investigation and cleanup, and environmental forensics.Ms. Zemo's extensive professional experience as a practicing consultant includes management or technical/strategic direction of hundreds of site investigation and remediation projects. Constituents of concern include chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons (crude oil, refined products, and residuals), fuel oxygenates (MTBE, TBA etc.), tars, and metals in soil and groundwater. Types of facilities include rail yards, refineries, pipelines, bulk storage facilities (petroleum and chlorinated solvent), retail service stations, manufacturing facilities, dry cleaners, and manufactured gas plants. Ms. Zemo was among the first in the consulting community to integrate risk-based decision-making into project strategy. She has been an industry leader in developing and implementing innovative screening methods for cost-effective site characterization. Ms. Zemo continues to advance the state-of-the-practice by developing improved sample handling techniques for groundwater samples.