Education Management - Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Leveraging on the content while keeping the interface simple is the primary aim ofthe app development.Structure of the APPA The app will be structured to providemaximum flexibility to the users. Thefocus of the app has to be in creating thesimplest user interface with minimum bellsand whistles and yet, have a robust, allencompassingreporting mechanism that givesmaximum information to the user and also theadministrator of the app.B Strong correlation between users based onmultiple parameters will be maintained inorder to facilitate a better user experience.A user will be able to see, with the help ofthese correlations, their standing in theirstate, their subject area and on any parameter thatwe can zero in on.C The app will use a database that can beupdated periodically to bring about a betteruser experience, as many examinees do notclear the exams at the first attempt.
Amazon AWS