Mechanical or Industrial Engineering - , Central Serbia, Serbia
The Company "ZIMPA" ad was founded in 1948. During this time, it has reached a leading position in the production of metal products in our market, and has become one of the leaders in manufacturing safety equipment in the Balkans. Adopted a new business philosophy, a new information system, expertise and staff training, a multiple increase in productivity and remarkably better quality, rank "ZIMPA" as one of the leading companies in this field in the region. Preduzeće "ZIMPA" a.d. osnovana je 1948. godine i za to vreme je izgradila poziciju lidera u proizvodnji metalnih proizvoda na našem tržištu i postala je jedna od vodecih konpanija na Balkanu u proizvodnji sigurnosne opreme. Proizvodni procesi su unapređeni novom opremom sa najsavremenijim tehnologijama - najnoviji laseri za secenje metala laserskim snopom, numeričke mašine i prese, automatska i najsavremenija linija za plastifikaciju...