Marketing & Advertising - Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico
ZIMPLE is an independent business design firm that understands the complex art of creating profitable businesses. We craft profitable business models together with bespoke solutions based upon the associated circumstances to your business-life-cycle standpoint. As professional learners we immerse in your ideas, understand your motivations and help you to design the business model that best contributes to seize the business opportunity that is on your sight. We exist to support entrepreneurs with ground-breaking ideas, start-up´s in an unconquered niche, SME´s with great market potential and large corporations seeking to turn-around their industry. EMPATHY is our mantra, we believe in truly being on our partner´s shoes. While each challenge is diverse and consequently the needed approach & solution, in every case our sight as a team is focused on delivering you common sense business based solutions relying in our BRAINPOWER that is {analysis + insight + strategy + creativity + innovation + method + discipline + passion} strengthened with the cumulative sum of our team´s experiences in contrasting and atypical fields of business. ZIMPLE, BRAINPOWER oriented to create business EMPATHY for you and your consumers.