Retail - New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
ZomBeads sells locally-made, sustainable Mardi Gras throws. Our products are made from recycled or upcycled materials by local artists. Products include paper beads, recycled handbags, bead n bra drink holders, burlap VooDoo Dolls, and more. Although we think Mardi Gras is the best free party in the world, we noticed that it has grown more wasteful over the past few decades. 80 years ago, parades used to throw glass beads. For a variety of reasons, parades began to shift from throwing glass beads to plastic beads. Over the years, the supply of cheap, plastic beads grew to create an overabundance of plastic Mardi Gras throws. Today, at Mardi Gras parades we see people ignoring beads and letting them fall to the ground if they are not 'special' or 'fancy' enough to keep. A 'super krewe' in New Orleans now throws up to 15 tons of throws per block. The result is landfills full of beads that contain lead, phthalates, chlorine, bromine, and a host of other chemicals that cause numerous health problems. Because these beads are not classified as children's toys, children play with beads that are allowed to have excessive levels of these toxic chemicals.ZomBeads was created to offer an alternative to foreign-made, plastic Mardi Gras throws. ZomBeads sells alternative throws in order to meet several goals. First, Zombeads wants to reduce the amount of waste generated by Mardi Gras. Also, in the wake of the BP Deepwater Horizon spill and other disasters, ZomBeads seeks to reduce New Orleans' reliance on the petrochemical industry. Additionally, ZomBeads wants to reduce the amount of toxic beads in circulation. ZomBeads works with local artists to create hand-made Mardi Gras throws out of recycled materials. As we grow, ZomBeads will bring jobs back into Louisiana while supporting local artists. Finally, profits generated from ZomBeads go towards helping the Louisiana Bucket Brigade continue to fight air pollution issues throughout Louisiana.
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