Marketing and Advertising - , Ontario, Canada
Principal, Chief Content Marketer, Inbound and Outbound Lead Generator and New Product Launcher
Your company may be struggling to develop the right online strategy for your business. You may not realize that there are several facets to establishing an online presence, and making sure that you are where your customers are. An effective online presence goes far beyond the traditional "brochure" website and Google advertising.It does not necessarily take a lot of money to maintain an active online presence, but it does take time-a valuable resource many lean staffed companies just don't have right now. That's where Zuz Marketing comes in-we help you develop the right online strategy for your business, then we implement it and maintain it for you if you wish. Zuz acts as an extension of your marketing department without the full-time salary, or can act as your marketing department if you don't have one.In order to be found online, companies need to create compelling content, and then turn that content into interaction. Content is a powerful way to drive engagement with your brand by adding value, creating relationships and building confidence. Zuz is all about providing the right content solutions for your business as a powerful component of your online marketing program.