Information Technology & Services - Podgorica, Podgorica Municipality, Montenegro
ZZI d.o.o. Podgorica je ćerka kompanija ZZI d.o.o. iz Ljubljane. Postoji od 2001. godine. Naše osnovne aktivnosti su razvoj carinskih informacionih sistema i pružanje servisa za bespapirno poslovanje. Pružamo usluge za više od 120 klijenata u Crnoj Gori a uspješno pružamo usluge i klijentima van Crne Gore (outsourcing).Najveći ZZI klijeti iz oblasti razvoja informacionih sistema su carinske administracije. Temeljno poznavanje carinskih procedura i logističkih procesa smo primjenili u razvoju rješenja za špeditere, uvoznike, izvoznike i logističke firme (carinske procedure – ICS, ECS, EMCS, AIS, AES, …), servisa za elektronsku razmjenu poruka (ZZInet EDI mreža) i servisa za elektronsko arhiviranje ( Mreža ZZInet je jedna od vodećih mreža za povezivanje i automatizaciju poslovnih procesa poput eLogistike, eFakturisanja, ePoručivanja, carinskih procedura, poreskog izvještavanja, upravljanjem transportom, …). ZZI je prisutan u Sloveniji, Crnoj Gori i Srbiji.***ZZI d.o.o. Podgorica is ZZI Ljubljana daughter company. It exists since the year 2001. Our key activities are custom software development and cloud services offerings for paperless processes among business partners. We have more than 120 customers in Montenegro but we are successfully outsourcing our services to the clients outside Montenegro, too. Great knowledge of customs procedures and logistics overview was put in the development of applications in the cloud for traders and logistics companies (customs procedures – ICS, ECS, EMCS, AIS, AES, …) and electronic document exchange and archiving (ZZInet EDI network and archiving services). The ZZInet is a leading network for connecting and automatisation of business processes like (eLogistic, eInvoicing, ePurchasing, Customs procedures, Tax reporting, transport management, …).ZZI is present in Slovenia, Montenegro and Serbia.
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