Semiconductors - , ,
ÜberEnergy is an energy efficiency startup who as of 2016 transitioned from the Silicon Valley to Berlin to benefit from a very favourable and progressive political environment for energy in Germany. ÜberEnergy uses Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) to understand the real energetic needs of a residential and commercial buildings. The energy prediction engine allows for adjusting how much electricity and heating/cooling is needed based on the actual human occupancy and thermal behaviour of a given room, living, or working area. To achieve this goal, ÜberEnergy has developed cloud connected hardware with advanced sensors collecting information about actual energetic needs. ÜberEnergy system helps reducing energy waste such as improperly heating a home or heating unused spaces. In many cases this technology can actually increase the perceived comfort of individuals because it can provide a more uniform temperature through the building than conventional systems are capable of providing.
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