Oil & Energy - İstanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
İpragaz was established in 1961 under the title Eureka Metal A.Ş. and in 1962 it commissioned the first Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) filling plant and filling stations in Turkey in İzmit-Yarımca. In 1966, the company merged with Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı (TPAO) under the new title İpragaz A.Ş. After privatization in 1992, İpragaz consolidated with the French Primagaz. Following acquisition of Primagaz in 1999 by SHV Energy of Holland, the largest LPG distributor worldwide, İpragaz became a member of SHV family.SHV Energy is the largest LPG distributor around the world. Operating in 27 countries, SHV Energy supplies LPG to millions of consumers with its 14,000 employees and a turnover exceeding € 6 billion.İpragaz is the leader in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) sector in Turkey based on an over 50 years of experience and the firsts it has realized to date. Being among the top 25 companies in Turkey, İpragaz has significant contributions in Turkish Economy since 1961 both with its company volume and the opportunities of employment it has provided throughout Turkey.İpragaz continues to provide services with its about 1200 employees at these facilities and over 3000 dealers in Turkey.İpragaz continues to provide services with its more than 400 autogas stations as of 2007.With its strong sales team and widespread dealer network, providing solutions for Turkey's various energy demands for more than 50 years İpragaz now aims to brighten electricity sector.İpragaz, becomes an energy company with its new brand in fuel sector named GO Yakıt.In addition to the importance given to service quality, İpragaz elaborates its products bearing İpragaz trademark and produced for use in households and the industry. These products bearing İpragaz trademark are produced in compliance with national and international standards and products presented to the service of consumers for storage of LPG are supplied to consumers under insurance cover.
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