Publishing - , Bali, Indonesia
The Own Fairy Tale Publishing House is a team of Traveling Book Publishers. Writer Leah Leah Chief Editor. The publishing house "Sobica Tale" is a team of travelers-books. Writer Liya Lei Chief Editor of the Publishing House wrote more than 50 books. In the seal actively go 10 the author's books, impregnated with live energy and love. The author is the artistic literature, fantasy, whollingling (communication by the channel). Leai writes poems and songs with eight years, and books with 12. With her work, it is very pleasant to get acquainted. Each book describes sincere friendship and clean relationships. Each hero of the book as if it belongs to the pages of stories and begins to be created that the heroes really lived a hundred, a thousand, and then tens of thousands of years ago. In books of Lei Liy, the good good is laid. Adventure, travel in time, space flights, teleportation, superficial and much more search for pages of her magic books. Expedition of the "star rag" The journal of a round-the-law expedition from the publishing house "Sobal fairy tale". It is created on the basis of the discoveries of the ancient city of Megan. The main base of which is a giant coral atoll 20 km from Magan at a depth of 300m. In addition to unique geology, the remains of ancient civilization remained: columns and unusual structures. To perform the expedition and the creation of the International Tourism Center, the Crimean Atlantis is proposed to deliver the ship equipped with underwater equipment and basitecas.