Information Technology & Services - Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
شركت فناوران پارسيان توسعه راهكاران (پارسا)، پشتيبان يار گروه شركت هاي همكاران سيستم است كه در راستاي ارائه خدمات پشتيباني و آموزش به مشتريان فعاليت مي كند.Parsa System Group (PSG) is a supporter of the System Group (SG) Companies, which works to provide support and training services to customers.Today, System Group (SG) is at the forefront of Iran's software industry with over 53000 customers (and counting…) and more than 1,300 associates. Our product portfolio consists of more than 40 integrated solutions and now spans 22 industries. In 2011, SG set a new milestone by becoming the first publically traded software company in Iran. The company's motto "Smart solutions, Wise management" now drives all our daily activities and is our core mission.Our business activities focus on providing:Business software solutions for mid and large size businesses across manufacturing, service and commercial industriesSoftware solutions for small businessesCustom-made IT solutions for the public sectorsImplementation servicesTechnical support of our productsTraining servicesAdvanced network engineering services and data security