Museums & Institutions - Bellevue, Washington, United States
上海喜玛拉雅美术馆坐落于上海浦东新区,前身为2005年创立的证大现代艺术馆,2008年正式更名为喜玛拉雅美术馆,是从事展览、教育、研究、艺术收藏与学术交流等的民营非营利艺术机构。美术馆拥有约8000平方米的展示与活动空间,由国际著名建筑大师矶崎新设计,自创立以来一直致力于以开放的姿态与前瞻的视野推进中国当代文化艺术的发展,发掘新兴的艺术力量,支持独立的学术研究,发展面向社会的艺术教育功能,加强与国际艺术的交流与合作。美术馆旨在以现当代的语境来重塑中华文明的复兴,打造全社会的美育课堂。SHM is a private non-profit art institution engaged in exhibitions, education, research, art collection, and academic communication. The museum was designed by the famous architect Arata Isozaki and has about 8000 square meters of space for exhibitions and events. Since its establishment, SHM has been committed to promoting Chinese contemporary art, exploring emerging artists, supporting independent academic research, developing social-oriented art education, and strengthening exchanges and cooperation with international resources with an open attitude and forward-looking vision. The museum aims to reshape Chinese civilization in the modern and contemporary context and to create an aesthetic education classroom for the whole society.