Primary/secondary Education - Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
中黄国际教育集团中黄国际教育集团(以下简称"中黄")总部位于广州市黄埔中心区,毗邻黄埔军校旧址。通过对外开展合作办学和提供授权,中大黄埔国际教育集团与政府、众多学校及其他教育机构合作,开发出一系列中西合璧的国际化教育项目和严格的评估制度,旨在促进青少年素质、身体、心智、情感、社交等方面的全面发展,提高学校的教育教学质量和社会影响力,促进学校的科学、健康、全面发展。中大黄埔国际教育集团旗下有"中黄世界书院(美国GIA高中)、中大黄埔附属外国语实验中学(IB MYP候选学校)、中大白云附属外国语小学(IB PYP候选学校)、中大黄埔附属外国语小学(IB PYP候选学校)、中大黄埔附属外国语实验幼儿园、广州奥林匹克培训中心等实体学校"。中黄以"用创新与智慧,培养知行合一、能实现自我和社会价值的人"为宗旨,引进专业的国际教育管理人才与顾问团队,聚合全球先进的教育理念和教育资源,整合国家义务教育课程与IB、GIA、IPC、MYC、CIE等国际名牌课程,构建"全人教育"的教育体系,培养会学习、会思考、会动脑,会动手的兼具东方伦理智慧与西方科学精神的终身学习者、国际交流者和未来创造者。坚定教育强国、科教兴国的战略思想,通过国际教育本土化、本土教育国际化的实验与推广,立志引领中国基础教育的变革与发展,为中国教育事业的发展作出积极贡献。中黄国际积淀了十多年之久的基础教育阶段国际化课程的教育教学研究成果,将有利于进一步深化中国基础教育领域的教育教学改革,进而创新人才培养模式!Introduction To ZWIEZhongshan Whampoa International Education (hereinafter referred to as ZWIE), locates its head-office adjacent to the formal site of the Whampoa Military Academy. By cooperating and authorizing, ZWIE has developed a series of programmes, aiming at cultivating learners', physical, spiritual, intellectual, humane, professional and social competencies for their holistic developments, and promoting schools' academic excellence, and positive social influence.Through innovation and wisdom, ZWIE centers on cultivating minds-on, hearts-on, hands-on and body-on life-long learners, international communicators and future creators of both oriental ethics wisdom and western scientific spirit, so as to achieve self-realization and social benefit. With the supervision of the professionals from our Advisory Board ZWIE is striving to incorporate the national compulsory curriculum with such internationally renowned curriculum as IB, GIA, IPC, MYC, CIE. ZWIE, based on the experience accumulated for more than a decade, is with its ambitions to contribute to Chinese education through optimization and promotion of international education and benefit Chinese education reform and more importantly, to create an innovative education model in China.