Import & Export - Xia Men Shi, Fu Jian Sheng, China
è¡æ¿ç»ç- å¦é¨åæå®ç³æè¿åºå£æéå ¬å¸Xiamen Bosshome Import&Export Co.,Ltd
博思宏石材进出口有限公司坐落在享誉中外的著名建材之乡--南安市水头镇,是一家集生产和出口天然石材与人造石的专业石材企业,如大理石,花岗岩,石英石等一系列石材产品。企业成功的关键在于满足客户的需求。我们有拥有高效率的专业团队处理各国客户的询盘。我们企业的目标是成为世界各地国外客户的合作商。公司本着诚信,创新,专注的宗旨,在质量上严格把关,在工艺上精心设计,使得产品远销美国,欧洲,中东等海外市场,并在众多客户中享有良好的声誉。我们拥有两家工厂,产品范围更加广泛多样。我们的产品系列包括大板,工程板,台面板等。除了标准的产品外,我们也提供客户定制化服务来满足您的特殊需求。Bosshome Stone is one of the key natural and artificial stone enterprises in Shuitou, Nan'an. Our company specializes in the manufacture and export of marble, granite, quartz stone. The key of our success is to satisfy our customers' need. We have a highly efficient team to deal with inquiries from customers. Our goal is to be customers' partner all over the world. We are experienced in selling goods to the USA, Europe, the Middle East and so on. And we enjoy a good reputation among clients. With 2 factories, we can provide a wide range of products. In fact, our main series now include slab, tile, cut-to-size, countertop and so on. Moreover, besides standard products, we also provide an extensive range of customization services in order to cater for your special orders.