Renewables & Environment - , Beijing, China
和芯星通科技(北京)有限公司是一家专业从事高集成度芯片设计和高性能GNSS核心算法研发的高新技术企业。作为GNSS 终端核心器件一站式提供商,产品精度覆盖毫米级、厘米级、亚米级到米级,全方位满足CORS 网络、测量测绘仪器、高精度定位定向、定位、监控、授时、便携导航、消费类等全系列GNSS 应用方案需求,公司在多系统卫星信号基带处理技术、多星座多频高精度定位算法、多系统射频电路设计等方面具备强大的科技研发实力,并在前装车载、现代农业机械控制、无人机、卫星监控平台等对质量和可靠性有严格要求的应用领域有长期积累和大量经验。 和芯星通多模导航型基带芯片及多模高精度OEM 板卡均在北斗重大专项比测中连续三年蝉联冠军。公司发布的两款芯片均获得省部级奖项"卫星导航定位科技进步奖"最高奖;并获得2015 年度国家科学技术进步奖。此外公司还获得EE Times-China最佳无线IC 产品奖、"中国芯"最具潜力产品奖等多个奖项。 和芯星通是北京北斗星通导航技术股份有限公司(股票代码002151)旗下企业,成立于2009 年初,公司总部设在北京,是国家级高新技术企业、北京市软件企业、中关村高新技术企业、"千人计划"企业、"海聚工程"企业、"高聚工程"企业,是首个获得国家科学技术进步奖的卫星导航芯片企业。 Unicore Communications, Inc. is a hightech company dedicated in highly integrated IC design and GNSS algorithm development. Entirely reliant on self-developed technology, Unicore has successfully developed the Nebulas multi- system multi-frequency high-performance SoC, Humbird series Low power GNSS SoC, a variety of navigation/timing modules, as well as high-precision OEM boards.As a one-stop provider of GNSS products, Unicore has profound accumulation in the development and implementation of highly integrated IC design, verification, production and multi-system, high performance GNSS baseband algorithms. Unicore's products accuracy ranges from meter, sub-meter, to centimeter and millimeter level, to meet various kinds of industry demands such as CORS applications, Surveying & Mapping, Precision Agriculture, Positioning & Heading, Vehicle Monitoring, Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Precision Timing and so on.