Food Production - Beijing, Beijing, China
大跃啤酒成立于2010年,由Carl Setzer和刘芳创立,是北京的第一个精酿品牌,目前有5家直营门店(北京4家,成都1家)、在天津建有酿酒厂,公司约有数百名员工。在精酿文化进入中国之初,大跃的出现为京城甚至全国的消费者提供了一个了解、品尝精酿的平台。大跃绝大部分啤酒均采用中国本地啤酒花和本土生产的麦芽以及香料、茶叶、蜂蜜、花椒、咖啡、农产品等精心酿造。我们将中国独特的饮食、思想、文学、节日和历史等文化中的精粹理念融入到啤酒里,旨在打造有"中式"灵魂的精酿啤酒,也因此屡获国内外重量级精酿啤酒大奖。Great Leap Brewing was founded in 2010 by Carl Setzer and Liu Fang and was the first craft beer brand in Beijing. Since then, our brand has expanded to include four locations in Beijing, one location in Chengdu,a newly opened large-scale production brewery in Tianjin, and over hundreds employees. Great Leap Brewing presents a platform for customers to taste and understand craft beer. Respecting the unique tastes of Chinese cuisine and local culture, we source the finest raw materials–both domestically and internationally–and seek to incorporate high-quality teas, spices, honeys, fruits, and vegetables into our beer menu as often as possible. By integrating all elements of Chinese culture–from ingredients, history, philosophy, and various ideologies–we incorporate a uniquely "Chinese" spirit into each of our beers, many of which have received multiple accolades at various international beer competitions.