Management Consulting - Xiamen, Fujian, China
Kent Ridge Consulting Co., Ltd.(KRC) was founded in NUS (the National University of Singapore) in 1998, with more than 80 consultants in the offices of Singapore and mainland China. KRC has long been engaged in professional services in airport, aviation, and established close cooperation with more than 50 airports across the Asia Pacific region.KRC has a profound understanding of the changes and developments in the civil aviation industry. The Aviation Research Center of Kent Ridge consistently studies development strategy of aviation industry on a global scale while serving local clients. By keeping a close track of aviation events, KRC has more operational data of aviation industry than its counterparts.KRC focuses on and excels in aviation industry, providing a comprehensive range of consulting services including strategy, human resource management, terminal planning & business development, and aircity planning.开锐管理咨询(厦门)股份有限公司 [Kent Ridge Consulting Co. ,Ltd.,简称开锐咨询(KRC)] 是来自于新加坡的国际性管理咨询机构,从事战略为核心的高端咨询服务,是国内唯一一家专注于民航研究长达十余年的咨询机构,为中国机场咨询第一品牌。开锐咨询拥有庞大的民航数据库和丰富的案例信息库,多年来为海内外数百家政府组织、各类企事业单位提供咨询顾问、培训辅导服务,并取得优异的行业研究成果。凭借专业知识库和顶尖的精英顾问团队,开锐致力于为机场客户提供以临空经济与产业规划、战略规划、组织效能、航站楼服务与商业四大领域为核心的综合解决方案。
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