Hospitality - Kunming, Yunnan, China
地处人杰地灵的彩云之巅,昆明万达文华酒店以云南的历史、风土及文化为特色,打造富有东方温情的愉悦氛围,为成功名仕精致呈献集私享服务与艺术氛围于一身的豪华酒店住宿体验。 昆明万达文华酒店坐落于昆明市西山区商业核心地带——万达广场,与昆明最高城市地标"万达双塔"比邻而居。酒店地理位置优越,宾客可轻松到达城市主要购物娱乐区和各大热门旅游景点。前往昆明长水国际机场只需35分钟,昆明火车站也仅15分钟车程,交通十分便捷。 酒店设有297间设计雅致温馨的客房与套房,多家风格各异的餐厅为宾客们提供全球各地的美食珍飨。酒店内设有高端宴会场地、健身中心、恒温泳池等齐全的健身设施,并将独家呈献一系列万达文化酒店特有的品牌特色服务,包括万达迎宾天使、"妙梦"助眠产品等。 Located in China's picturesque Yunnan Province, Wanda Vista Kunming is proud to present a new benchmark of Chinese hospitality and oriental-chic luxury for discerning travellers. Drawing inspiration from the region's unique history and culture, the hotel offers 297 luxurious guest rooms and suites, and a range of specialty restaurants offering diverse international cuisines. The hotel also presents a distinguished complement of meeting and event venues, along with world-class fitness and wellness facilities.