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明鏡新聞網:\\明鏡時報每日發佈與中國政治、外交、軍事、經濟、國際關係相關的深度報導與分析。\\明鏡新聞出版集團於一九九一年以明鏡出版社(Mirror Books)之名在加拿大成立。現以美國紐約、香港和台灣為主要經營基地。\\過去二十年中明鏡以出版中國時事政治的書籍在中國和海外華人新聞和出版界裡享有很高的知名度。其出版品例如《黃禍》、《中國的陷阱》、《中國「六四」真相》、《晚年周恩來》等書,曾被紐約書評、紐約時報、(英)金融時報、華爾街日報、時代周刋、CBS 六十分鐘時事雜誌報道或評論過。明鏡出版的書籍和雜誌成為中國高官、富商和知識份子中最熱門的秘密流行讀物。\\明鏡媒體集團擁有六個出版社,十一間雜誌雜誌,三個網站,一個實體書店和一個網上書店。與港、台、新加坡、美國、馬來西亞等地最大的中文圖書和報刋發行商有成熟穩定的合作關係。\\Mirror Media Group was established in 1991 in Canada. Currently the headquarters is in New York and the operating bases are located in the United States, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In the last two decades, Mirror Media Group has held a high reputation among the Chinese press and publishing industries, both in China and overseas, and has been most well known for its books and magazines focusing on Chinese current events and politics. Mirror Media Group's publications have earned a regular spot on the shelves of China's highest ranked officials, wealthy businessmen, and intellectuals.\\Mirror Media Group currently includes six independent publishing houses, eleven magazines, three websites, a bookstore in Hong Kong, and an online bookstore.\\Mirror Media Group's relations with Chinese-language publication distributors in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and the United States have been long lasting and stable.
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