Arts & Crafts - , , Taiwan
發願讓這片土地的家庭透過藝術與文創擁有幸福快樂的人生,並創造藝術平台成就渴望舞台發光發熱的人們是啟動這一切的原因。由創始人許月齡女士構思,苙森林建立於將世界上最好的藝術人才與渴望健康和有意義人生的每個人聯繫起來的夢想之上。無論是在健康,寫作,文創,藝術創作還是花藝領域,我們都希望與世界其他地方分享這些豐富的經驗,激發他們成長和偉大的動力,並為他們提供最好的有機飲食方案,藝術技能和品牌行銷工具,掌握自己的健康和成功富饒的生活。我們正處於創業階段,提供網路客製化下訂花藝設計、藝術作品、企業行銷規劃等商品、課程與服務。如果您相信健康和富足人生是您和您的家人、朋友、愛人所追求的,那麼您將希望盡快使用苙森林平台。Liforest Achieving the Unimagined Healthy and Artistic Lifestyle.Our art creation since 2012, Yuen Ling Hsu was the florist found her life not merely about work and taking care family, also passion in art and motivating more talents to find their purpose in life. LiForest is the start, building on the dream of connecting the world's best from all fields to every single person hungry for healthy, artistic and meaningful lifestyle.We want to share this wealth of experience with the rest of the world, inspire them the drive for happiness and greatness, and provide them with the best organic vegetables, fruits, and art pieces to achieve the unimagined so they can be masters of their own healthy and happy lives.We are in the age of entrepreneurship and start-ups, the age of health boosting, of online stores and social media marketing. If you believe your and your loved ones' happiness and health are important, you'll want to get in on this as soon as possible.LiForest YouTube:
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