Environmental Services - , Beijing, China
成立于2004年,注册资本1.2368亿元,现有3个分公司,17个子公司,一个德州制造工厂,员工近1000人。是一家以提供城乡垃圾综合处理解决方案和装备制造为主的高新技术企业,经过十一年的发展,公司已经成为餐厨垃圾处理,渗滤液处理及环保设备制造的领军企业及综合服务提供商,于2015年11月13日完成新三板挂牌。蓝德集团业务涵盖城市垃圾综合处理、餐厨垃圾处理、渗滤液处理、污泥综合处理、粪便处理、建筑垃圾处理、黑臭水体治理、土壤治理、海绵城市建设、城市矿产、垃圾中转站建设、垃圾处理设备生产销售等。蓝德致力于向全球提供高品质的环境解决方案,成为客户信赖、社会尊重、最有价值的环保产业企业。 企业精神. 责任:勇于担当是蓝德的工作作风。 团结:群体奋斗是蓝德的处事态度。 敏锐:行动迅速是蓝德的行事风格。创新:实践创新是蓝德的发展主题。Founded in December 2004, Bioland Environmental Technologies Group Corp.,Ltd (known as Bioland) is a public company with $20 million dollars registered capital, over 10 subsidiaries, two research and development centers, two manufacturing plants and more than 1,000 employees. Bioland, as the pioneer doer of waste management industry and technology research, is one of the companies possessing high-class qualification and has over 100 patents in solid waste treatment field. Under strict quality control, Bioland has gained ISO9001 System and ISO 14001 System Certification. With a powerful financial background, Bioland has developed stable, supportive and long-term relationship with the local authorities and communities among distinct markets and has distinguished itself as a high-tech leading company in municipal solid waste treatment and leachate treatment by offering its customers a series of professional services in various projects including engineering design, equipment R&D, equipment manufacturing, supply, installation, commissioning, project investment and operation, etc.
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