Non-Profit - N/A, N/A, CN
我们是谁?青年成就(Junior Achievement)作为全球最大的非营利教育机构之一,成立于1919年,在100多个国家都设有分支机构,每年约46万志愿者参与其中,影响学生人数超过一千万。国际青年成就中国部(JA中国)成立于1993年,我们通过与工商界和教育界合作,在大、中、小学开展一系列课程及活动,在职业构建、责任创业、金融素养等方面提升学生的综合素质,帮助他们在全球发展中取得成功。我们的使命:激励和培养中国青少年以品格和能力在全球经济中成功。我们目前在中国的发展情况?JA 中国目前在中国共有七个区域项目发展中心,分别为北京、上海、广州、成都、西安、武汉、长沙。 自 1993 年成立以来,2017/2018年度,JA 中国已经通过 80,617 名志愿者,在全国 35 所城市的 1225 所学校,影响了 6, 081, 157 位中国青少年。Who We Are?Established in 1919, JA Worldwide is one of the largest youth-serving NGOs with over 100 member countries reaching 10 million students annually. Founded in 1993, JA China partners with the business and education sectors to cultivate students in work readiness, principled entrepreneurship, and financial literacy in order to prepare them for success in the global economy.Our mission: Inspire and prepare the young people of China with character and skills to succeed in the global economy.Our current development status:Now, JA China has 7 regional centers in total, which are Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,Chengdu, Xian, Wuhan, Changsha, and since its its establishment from year 1993, JA China has already authorized 80,617 volunteers in 1225 schools from 35 cities, which shows great positively impact on 6,081,157 Chinese teenagers.