Field Data Collection and Verification Officer/Monitoring and Elevation Officer
MgtWell Consulting Services established in 2013, headquartered in Kabul with sixteen (16) provincial offices and properly structured and active business and operational set ups in all 34 provinces of the country, has arguably served all the major international and national development institutions and civil society organizations, including but not limited to: World Bank – Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund; United States Agency for International Development (USAID); DAI and FHI 360 Afghanistan; Asian Development Bank (ADB); United Nations Development Program (UNDP); Afghanistan Ministry of Finance; Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock; Afghanistan Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission; Afghanistan Independent Directorate of Local Governance; Afghanistan National Environmental Protection Agency; The Asia Foundation; International Fund for Agriculture Development; Global Environment Facility; Mercy Corps; Terre des Hommes; War Child UK; French Corporation for Afghanistan and many others, under nation-wide successfully completed and on-going monitoring and evaluation, mid to end-line evaluations and research and analysis projects and assignments.