Dimava LLC is a leading provider of consulting services for SharePoint Services. Dimava's mission is to provide the highest level of customer support and assistance to help maximize the power and usefulness of SharePoint as a critical business tool.Some of the world's most respected financial services companies, government agencies, as well as early stage, growth oriented companies, have relied on the Dimava team for SharePoint insight and expertise, such as:- Understanding the unique value proposition of SharePoint for the client and determining its best application within the company (from single server solutions to enterprise scale, multi-site solutions)- Define, Design and Develop SharePoint solutions for the client based on a strong and realistic business case, providing optimum value for a rapid ROI- Implement and maintain SharePoint solutions for the client as an outsourced provider- Assess SharePoint installations and identifying areas for improvement, refinement and accentuationDimava is privately held with two principles and multiple partners. It is also headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.