Alpha Kappa Psi was founded on the principles of educating its members and the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals in business and to further the individual welfare of members during college and beyond. College men and women everywhere are discovering that Alpha Kappa Psi is much more than just another organization or club – it is a unique, prestigious association of students, professors, graduates and professionals with common interests and goals. The Georgia Tech Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi was founded in 1962. Built upon a community that constantly strives for personal and professional improvement, our Chapter has worked to build and strengthen Georgia Tech's business community through numerous events, workshops, and conferences. Today we continue uphold this mission.The Epsilon Sigma Chapter continues to lead the way as the business powerhouse of Georgia Tech. We work to bring together Tech's highest achieving, business-minded students to foster a community of growth and success. With over 80 members spanning all majors, all disciplines, and all cultures at Tech, Alpha Kappa Psi consistently ranks among the highest achieving organizations, in academics, job opportunities, and campus involvement. Boasting an average GPA in the top 5 on campus for the past 10 years and alumni working America's top firms such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, and Accenture, Alpha Kappa Psi serves as Atlanta's hearth of student success and professional leadership.Whether you're a company looking to partner with us or a student interested in joining, please feel free to contact our organization at