Aalok Dwivedi

Cabbazar at CabBazar - , Haryana, India

Aalok Dwivedi's Contact Details
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, Haryana, India • 1 - 10 Employees

CabBazar is committed to make taxi bookings an easy and painless experience. There are great improvements happened in local travel experience in T1 cities with inception of companies like Uber and Ola. But outstation taxi space and even local travel in T2, T3 cities still has lots of challenges because of its unorganized structure. To achieve the same, CabBazar is started in started in Sept 2017. We are working hard to provide the comfort, ease of booking, a hassle free enjoyable journey at a very competitive price through our fully automated system, personalized feedbacks, partner's (taxi provider) follow-up & control, zero payment hold for partners.What is the idea behind this venture?The idea behind CabBazar is that there should be a single place, very easy to use, where one can simply put his/her itinerary and book a cab with full reliability and confidence as thousands of verified taxi providers of that area are already integrated into the system behind the scenes and the automated nature of the system ensures the taxi availability on time, in best quality of service and in most competitive price.What is the USP of this portal/product? How is it different from its competitors, if any?The USP of CabBazar is its highly scalable model having minimal operational cost and a continuously growing Partner base. The technical platform takes care that human intervention is only required for support in some special cases otherwise system works on its own, reducing the operation cost to a large extent which makes us very scalable.Our policies for Partners encourage more and more taxi providers to partner with us. This does not mean freebies, we don't believe freebies but at the same time we do not hold payments of partners for any period reconciliation, which partners find very fare and useful.

Details about CabBazar
Frequently Asked Questions about Aalok Dwivedi
Aalok Dwivedi currently works for CabBazar.
Aalok Dwivedi's role at CabBazar is Cabbazar.
Aalok Dwivedi's email address is ***@cabbazar.com. To view Aalok Dwivedi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Aalok Dwivedi works in the Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.
Aalok Dwivedi's colleagues at CabBazar are Amit D., Rishabh Gupta, Kapil Sharma, Ravi Kumar, Babloo Mukeria, Cab Bazar and others.
Aalok Dwivedi's phone number is ["7777880880","8858188581","01246707941"]
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