1130 Solutions is a manufacture of world-leading inhalation technologies and logistic services designed to achieve positive outcomes for patients within the medical cannabis community. Our products include vibration feedback control chips and pollutant free extraction delivery solutions, as well as full customization options.We are committed to helping ensure that our clients and their patients have the best possible experience with our products by supporting them with training and a full range of support documents.1130 Solutions offers in-house development and manufacturing of inhalation devices. We specialize in electronic control methods, engineering and assembly . The company is based in Nevada, corporate officers in New York, and manufacturing in Shenzhen, China where all products are developed and manufactured in our ISO 9001 accredited production facility.All our products are unique, offering either a better performance, a better approval, or a better solution than what found on the market today.We appreciate flawless designs, and we do our utmost to create products which aesthetically blend into the medical communities in new as well as old platforms.