NAZ International Co. has been serving the Textile Testing and Quality Control Industry for more than 25 years. We represent some of the Worlds' Best Manufacturers of Quality Control Testing Instruments and with our team of highly Qualified Engineers and Sales Force, we strive to meet all your Quality Control and Physical Testing needs...TESTING INSTRUMENTS - High Precision and High Quality Textile Testing Machinery.-Lightfastness and Weathering Testing Machine, Colorfastness To Washing, Abrasion and Pilling, ICI Pilling, Print Durability , Bursting Strength Tester, Tensile Strength , Laboratory Conditioning Units, Humidifier Units for Laboratory and Production, DRY-FOG Humidification Systems, Color Assessment Light Cabinets.LABORATORY DYEING AND FINSHING MACHINES - -Sample Dyeing Machine, InfraRed Dyeing Machine, Atmospheric Dyeing Machine, Jig Dyeing Machine, Padders, Steamers, Mini-Stenter , Multi-Bath Wash Ranges TEXTILE TESTING CONSUMABLES -AATCC, SDC, James Heal, ISO, Pantone :- Multi-Fiber, Crocking Cloth, Abradant Fabrics, Photographic Standards, Blue Wool, Grey Scales, Detergents for Laboratory Washing, Pantone Books. SERVICE AND CALIBRATION - On-Site Installation, Maintenance and Calibration Service provided by Certified and Factory trained engineers.