Director Communications at Design Mafia - Chhattarpur Enclave 100 Foot Road New Delhi, N/A, IN
Design Mafia is a Company & Organisation, founded and run entirely by the student community that is committed to a collective effort of social upliftment. Our main ambition is to use the collective intellectual force of the already established and budding design minds of the country to ‘design' the society out of its current situations and problems. Operating in a decentralizes administrative system that employs regional unit for every different region, we use the best designing minds around to look at things in ways no one has ever looked before and to change the way they mutually interact socially, economically and sometimes, aesthetically too. We primarily use the value of original ideas in our society to generate funds which would then be used in betterment of the socially needy, either indirectly or directly. The design mafia team specialises in literally finding the gems from trash and then recycle it to its true value. For example, the massive paper waste that comes from the academic community can be recycled, and turned into designer lampshades, bags, or even notebooks, all made entirely from hand, all of original design. These will then be sold in the market and the income thus generated will be used for the operations and goals of design mafia - we provide the socially and economically needy with education opportunities, redesigned cheaper shelters that match with their conditions and also provide them material which is needed to loosen up and release their abilities to help in self-sustainability, like books and other primary needs. Our work would also include educating people in the cottage industry, in design and helping them grow with a more efficient design of their work product and market plans.