Jason Nill and Aaron Van Gorp founded Commission Creative (formerly known as Missions Linked) in 2003. We both grew up in the midst of our parents' ministries and participated in their fundraising efforts. We got to experience things like posing for prayer card pictures, traveling hundreds of miles to different churches on weekends, stuffing newsletters, and occasionally having to sing in front of a congregation. As we got older, we understood more about what is involved in being in missions. We noticed a lack of creative professionals catering specifically to missionaries' needs that could provide affordable fundraising materials. We envisioned a missions-focused design agency that would serve those carrying out the Great Commission. We believe fundraising can be done with excellence and within a budget. We strive to provide custom-designed resources to missionaries like you, to help you raise support, grow your ministry, and change lives. That's why we started Commission Creative, and that's why we love missions.