Vice President at The Beta Epsilon. Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated - Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
On Thursday March 28th, 1929, Brother Charles Wesley Greene established the 49th House of Alpha. Brother Greene was not only responsible for chartering the Beta Epsilon. Chapter, but also the Eta Lambda Chapter on May 20, 1920 in the Atlanta, Georgia area. On February 14, 1925 in Birmingham Alabama, Greene continued the growth of Alpha Phi Alpha with the founding of the Omicron Lambda Chapter. He went on to charter five other chapters, including Beta Epsilon over a four year period. In order they were the Psi Lambda Chapter located in Chattanooga, Tennessee; the Beta Delta Chapter at the State College at Orangeburg, South Carolina on March 23, 1929; the Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter in Montgomery, Alabama; the Beta Epsilon Chapter at the A. and T. College at Greensboro on March 28, 1929; and the Beta Zeta Chapter at Samuel Houston College, Austin, Texas, on May 4, 1929. Brother Greene served also as the Southern Vice President for seventeen years.